du 16 mars jusqu’au 19 juin 2022, Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1 7LB
020 7401 8865
L’exposition printemps/été 2022 du Garden Museum explore l’utilisation des roses dans la mode, de l’ère victorienne à nos jours, avec des modèles d’Alexander McQueen, Philip Treacy, Vivienne Westwood et Comme des Garçons parmi d’autres collections historiques et modernes, ainsi que des photographies de Tim Walker et Nick Knight.
Pour en savoir plus : https://gardenmuseum.org.uk/exhibitions/wild-cultivated-fashioning-the-rose/
English version :
The rose and fashion are inextricably entwined. Roses, like fashion, are a luxury and they are ephemeral. They are both ‘shown’ seasonally, their appeal is multi-sensorial, and they each incite passion and obsession.
The Garden Museum’s spring/summer 2022 exhibition explores the use of roses in fashion from the Victorian era to today, with designs from Alexander McQueen, Philip Treacy, Vivienne Westwood and Comme des Garçons amongst other historic and modern collections, as well as photography by Tim Walker and Nick Knight.